Comment by mcdeltat

Comment by mcdeltat 4 hours ago

2 replies

It's come to fascinate me how modern medicine is simultaneously miracle-performing and devastatingly primitive. We can repair tiny structures, regrow organs, eradicate diseases from existence. And yet, you could fall unwell with something like ME/CFS which ruins your life, and medicine has literally nothing to give. A total blind spot.

Perhaps a reality check that the human body is immensely complex, and medicine is not magic. We've just been doing our best all along, and we need to continue doing so with support for medicine and science.

dimal 2 hours ago

I agree and disagree. Maintaining the health of a human body in a complex industrialized society is the most complex problem in the known universe. The amount of variables involved is astounding. But we’ve settled on a system that is more of a bureaucracy than a scientific endeavor and we wonder why it fails. We haven’t been doing our best. We could do better.

We should support science, but give up on medicine for health maintenance and chronic illness. Medicine as a practice is centered on curing acute illnesses and fixing acute injuries. I went to the emergency room recently for a really bad cut on my hand. The experience was fantastic. That’s the type of problem they know how to solve. It’s a completely different type of problem than a chronic illness, which depends on behaviors, environment, diet, exercise, etc.

And not just “you should exercise“. To recover my energy, I had to find just the right amount of the right type of exercise that would increase my energy without overexerting myself and making my symptoms worse. There’s no way that industrialized bureaucratic endeavor like modern medicine could help with that, unless of course I was rich. The medical industry can’t change. I’ve given up on it. We need a new science.

  • binary132 2 hours ago

    A loved one in my family was sick for years with a very painful chronic illness and all of the tests were completely useless except to rule out a myriad of possible causes. Thankfully she did happen upon a very effective treatment (Zoloft) and her quality of life is immensely improved now, with basically zero pain, and she’s able to function again. It was devastating to her health and she had nothing to go on whatsoever.