Comment by wheels

Comment by wheels 4 hours ago

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There's some difference between user space and kernel. I don't have much experience in the kernel, but I feel like it's more about making sure tasks are preemptable.

In user space it's often about complexity and guarantees: for example, you really try not to do mallocs in a real-time thread in user space, because it's a system call that will only return in an unpredictable amount of time. Better to preallocate buffers or use the stack. Same for opening files, or stuff like that -- you want to avoid variable time syscalls and do them at thread / application setup.

Choice of algorithms needs to be such that for whatever n you're working with, that it can be processed inside of one sample generation interal. I'm mostly familiar with audio -- e.g. if you're generating audio at 44100 Hz, you need your algorithms to be able to process chunks in less than 22 microseconds.