Comment by Aeolun

Comment by Aeolun 15 hours ago

1 reply

Any time I hear an American talk about US taxes they sound like it's a major pain in their backside though.

I just fill "Overseas Income: $xxxxx in xxxxx" and my tax report rolls out as €0 every single year. Because I've already paid my taxes in the country I'm living.

I can also do this without any specialized software or accountants, which seems to be something kind of iffy in the US.

ForHackernews 3 hours ago

US taxes are objectively more annoying than most countries' and attempts to simplify the process are stymied by people with political axes to grind (e.g. Grover Norquist) and for-profit tax prep firms that stand to lose lots of money:

Things might finally be shifting. In recent years, the IRS has introduced its own software that will handle most taxpayers' basic situations.