Comment by somethoughts

Comment by somethoughts 3 hours ago

4 replies

It's a really good example of why one should not name your company after your surname. At some point if you sell your company, you are putting the surname of all your descendants in the hands of some other entity outside of your/their direct control.

Loughla 24 minutes ago

For the amount of money involved, and all joking aside, you can have my first and last name. You can name a horrible flesh eating disease after me. It doesn't matter.

I get the feeling the family doesn't care while they lounge around on their stacks of cash?

jm20 2 hours ago

I’m pretty sure in the grand scheme of things the Forbes family is still perfectly OK with the association

BobaFloutist 2 hours ago

If they really care about it they can just change their name though.