Comment by muzani

Comment by muzani 6 hours ago

0 replies

It's very different from the others. Ideally you 0 shot it and give it complete instructions. Not part of a task, but basically a full commit, if not a full PR.

It does worse than sonnet 3.5 on simple instructions.

Ideally, you use o1 to give you instructions. It's a very powerful brainstorming tool as it can actually handle the context and isn't just context tokens. Pass it that doc from upwork and just do what o1 tells you. It may still get some steps wrong, but the human in the loop role has been reversed. It's still pair programming or brainstorming or something, but now o1 is the senior dev guiding your hand.

Write proper docs as if you were explaining something to a human. Or a deck to an investor. Pass it to o1 without edits. Writing docs really sucks, but do it without the aid or interference of AI.