Comment by tonygiorgio

Comment by tonygiorgio 7 hours ago

2 replies

I got this on two org repo’s yesterday. About an hour after the email, I checked and it was gone. I wanted to report it, even though GitHub scam reports are so very unsatisfying (weeks go by, then random email about how they took some action).

One very simple measure I hope they implement is just not sending emails for unverified spam like this. I’d argue a majority of issues or comments do not need instant emails. Even one hour delay could help in combating abuse like this if they had any sort of reasonable moderation rules.

latexr 6 hours ago

> GitHub scam reports are so very unsatisfying (weeks go by, then random email about how they took some action).

Either you’re unlucky or I’m lucky, I’ve reported scammers to GitHub multiple times and always got a response in a couple of hours.

  • elashri 5 hours ago

    I reported spam comment and they acted in less than an hour. I reported the exact spam comment by another user in the same day and they took 3 months to act. It is a very random process.