Comment by ethbr1

Comment by ethbr1 7 hours ago

3 replies

I think you're underestimating how many people can clean their own drain (well).

Which is its own solvable problem, but is a problem.

kelseyfrog 7 hours ago

It's a problem whether the occupier is a renter or homeowner. The landlord is, in my experience, just going to call a handyman anyway. May as well cut out the middleman as thats something I can do myself.

_DeadFred_ 7 hours ago

Funny the same people that say stuff like this say that the person who can't even clean their own drain should plan their own retirement using a 401K as the vehicle and if they fail at it and starve well that's their fault, there's no way we could have seen it not working out.

londons_explore 7 hours ago

The modern way is to have a handyman (just like you have a gardner or cleaner). The handyman has a list of gutters to empty, squeaky hinges to oil, HVAC filters to clean, etc.

Keep adding these small tasks to the list, and when the list gets long or something urgent comes up, call the handyman out for a half-day.