Comment by slig

Comment by slig 9 hours ago

2 replies

Seriously how hard it can be for GH to detect that a randomly just created account is creating issues, with the same text, containing a link inside?

I got dozens of such spam during a whole day.

nine_k 8 hours ago

Once they introduce that, the texts will become more varied, and links, possibly, too.

There are more possible next steps, which would make creating accounts for spamming more expensive, but they will also inconvenience well-meaning new users.

I suspect that unless the problem of malicious spam from GitHub comments becomes rather serious, acting on the case by case basis may be the correct solution.

  • klabb3 3 hours ago

    > Once they introduce that, the texts will become more varied

    I’ve said for some time that, while LLMs are varying levels of useful for a lot of people, it’s practically tailor made for spam and phishing. I can’t think of any “product-market-fit” as good as that.

    For instance: Imagine combining a leak of personal data from your favorite data broker (who knew that this would come back and bite), with an LLM to bypass spam filters and perform phishing attacks with eerie believable social engineering behind it. All for next to no money.