Comment by suchintan

Comment by suchintan 7 hours ago

2 replies

Agreed. Just for reference, one of our most popular use-cases is automating data entry into CRMs without APIs... No one wants to be doing this stuff manually, and automating it has some serious positive QoL impact

We get a lot of requests for bad usage (ie spinning up upvote rings on Reddit) but we don't want to support things like that

lmm 3 hours ago

> one of our most popular use-cases is automating data entry into CRMs without APIs... No one wants to be doing this stuff manually, and automating it has some serious positive QoL impact

No-one would need captcha automation or residential proxies for a use case like that that's all on the level.

fijiaarone 2 hours ago

But no one can or needs to use a residential proxy for automating CRM data entry.