Comment by aidanhs

Comment by aidanhs 5 hours ago

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Right, because Anyscale found a niche that distributed compute matters in (AI) and built great libraries/hosted platforms/services around that. I would venture that the money they make from people who pare back things to just ray core is ~0, which is why it's open source.

Put another way - building such a platform doesn't preclude commercial success, but (at least for us) it isn't sufficient. might be able to pull it off if they want to explore that direction imo.

Fwiw if you dig around in the ray core codebase (as I did when I was doing competitor analysis years ago) you can use the core C code from other languages to build such a platform for Rust if you like - they had Java and C++ interfaces at the time, but I haven't looked in the last 5 years.