Comment by LorenPechtel

Comment by LorenPechtel 7 hours ago

1 reply

So you stick to the party line despite vast evidence to the contrary?

My SIL has never been the same (her words) since she got it--note that she does *not* live in the US where it's a political issue.

The fundamental problem is that "Long Covid" is one of these "diagnoses" that are just a description of a widely varying set of symptoms and do not identify the actual problem. For a similar example consider AIDS. There we could at least identify the vector but until we discovered HIV we weren't very effective at dealing with it. This time around we know the underlying pathogen but not the mechanism of action.

SARS had many of the same lasting effects and was never thought to be hypochondria.

ck425 7 hours ago

Wow, is long covid legit a "political issue" in the US??