Comment by kstrauser

Comment by kstrauser 6 hours ago

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I agree with all of that. I understand why there needs to be some kind of rigor applied or else you have a bunch of engineers running around like cats. I'm not saying we shouldn't have process.

But, I've also worked in shops so hidebound that the aim of the organization seemed to be to Follow The Process above all else. Didn't ship anything all quarter? Well, at least we Followed The Process! Customers are screaming? That sucks, but The Process doesn't accommodate their needs this quarter. Principal engineers are leaving? They just don't appreciate The Process!

In my experience, Jira seems to resonate with PMs who adore The Process for the sake of The Process. Lighter, more opinionated systems like Pivotal or Linear seem to help teams deliver features more quickly than teams using Jira to march in line with The Process.