Comment by snypher

Comment by snypher 9 hours ago

2 replies

It's not really fair to say $6k a month is pocket change. I agree with one of the quotes that if they want some different behavior, they should incentivise something different.

Nexxxeh an hour ago

I was thinking more that each individual act that inconveniences others was pocket change.

But I agree that the accumulation of $6k of it in a month is not mere pocket change. I'd wonder if it constitutes some kind of fraud or some other crime.

If it was just screwing the company, I wouldn't even be mad. It's the people who suddenly can't get a bike or can't return a bike at a given station because of these peoples' selfishness that I'm annoyed for.

The people who are paid to make sure things run smoothly are doing the exact opposite with zero regard to who it hurts. Shitty behaviour.

DangitBobby 5 hours ago

As we all know, if it's a company, it's not a scam and there's no such thing as victim blaming. Instead, it's "perverse incentives".