solardev 5 months ago

You also don't have to use `git` directly for this (the command-line tool / protocol).

Because you're on Github and wanting to edit it from another cloud app, it might be easier to just use the Github API (which is its own thing, not git-based) to edit the file directly:

Then you can skip all the CI/CD stuff (it's overkill for something like this) and just send a plain fetch from your app's backend (NOT the frontend/client!! Don't expose your Github tokens to your users!). You can either use their JS SDK or just send the raw HTTP commands.

alemanek 5 months ago

I wrote an ansible pipeline that pushes config backups, json and ndjson, to a GitHub repo. It just uses the “git” cli tool to clone the repo, commit any changes, and push those commits to “origin/main”.

Only piece that you have to be a bit careful with the guarding credentials or token you will be using for the “git” commands. In my case we use Hashicorp Vault for secrets management so I can just checkout the token to use from there.

  • sirspacey 5 months ago

    Got it. CI/CD tools coming up often as a possible solve. Time to do some YT vids!

    Appreciate the guidance on credentials, fully agree on using a vault.