Comment by mikepurvis

Comment by mikepurvis 6 hours ago

7 replies

Whoa, nifty. Can you speak more to the interop issues with Nix? I've been working on a pretty large Nix deployment in the robotics space for the past 3ish years, and the infrastructure side is the biggest pain point:

* Running a bare `nix build` in your CI isn't really enough— no hosted logs, lack of proper prioritization, may end up double-building things.

* Running your own instance of Hydra is a gigantic pain; it's a big ball of perl and has compiled components that link right into Nix internals, and architectural fiasco.

* SaaS solutions are limited and lack maturity (Hercules CI is Github-only, is based in Europe and last I checked was still missing some features I needed).

* Tvix is cool but not ready for primetime, and the authors oppose flakes, which is a deal-breaker for me.

Something that's a barebones capable of running these builds and could be wrapped in a sane REST API and simple web frontend would be very appealing.

zombiezen 6 hours ago

Tracking issue is

The hurdles to interop I see are:

- Nixpkgs is not content-addressed (yet). I made a conscious decision to only support content-addressed derivations in zb to simplify the build model and provide easier-to-understand guarantees to users. As a result, the store paths are different (/zb/store instead of /nix/store). Which leads to... - Nix store objects have no notion of cross-store references. I am not sure how many assumptions are made on this in the codebases, but it seems gnarly in general. (e.g. how would GC work, how do you download the closure of a cross-store object, etc.) - In order to obtain Nixpkgs derivations, you need to run a Nix evaluator, which means you still need Nix installed. I'm not sure of a way around this, and seems like it would be a hassle for users.

I have experienced the same friction in build infra for Nix. My hope is that by reusing the binary cache layer and introducing a JSON-RPC-based public API (already checked in, but needs to be documented and cleaned up) for running builds that the infrastructure ecosystem will be easier.

flurie 6 hours ago

I've been wondering idly if it's possible for Nix to support the Bazel Remote Execution API that seems to be catching on[1] more generally.


  • mikepurvis 3 hours ago

    I’m very interested in better bidirectional interop between bazel and nix; it seems such a travesty that for two projects that are so ideologically aligned to work so poorly together. Nix should be able to run builds on bazel and bazel builds should decompose and cache into multiple store paths in a nix environment (think how poetry2nix works).

    • flurie 2 hours ago

      If you're attending BazelCon I'd love to have a chat with you about this stuff in some more detail. (If you're not I'd still love to have a chat!)

Rucadi 6 hours ago

Why are flakes such a deal-breaker? While not ideal, you can still tag your versions in the .nix file instead of the lockfile.

I even had to avoid flakes in a system I developed used by ~200 developers since it involved a non-nixos OS and it involved user secrets (Tokens etc...) So with flakes I had to keep track of the secrets (and was a pain point, since they obviously didn't have to push them into the git repo) but nix flakes doesn't handle well omitting files on git (it ignores them also on nix commands). In the end, the workarounds were too messy and had to drop flakes entirely.

  • mikepurvis 3 hours ago

    As a new user, I learned flakes first, and the tie-in with git tags/branches and the corresponding cli ergonomics aren’t something I’d be able to give up.