Comment by msvan

Comment by msvan 6 hours ago

6 replies

As a current Nix user, what I would really like is a statically typed language to define builds. Recreating Nix without addressing that feels like a missed opportunity.

Rucadi 6 hours ago

For me the killer feature is Windows Support, Ericsson is doing a great job bringing nix into Windows, but the process it's understandably slow, If this project is similar enough to nix that I can kind-off translate easily the zb derivations to nix derivations, I'm willing to use it in windows (It's not like nix has windows programs in the nixpkgs either way I have to bring them in my own).

The problem for me is that I see no benefit on using this over nix language (which I kinda like a lot right now)

  • droelf 6 hours ago

    We're working on rattler-build ( - which is a build system inspired by Apko / conda-build and uses YAML files to statically define dependencies. It works really well with pixi (our package manager) but also any other conda compatible package managers (mamba, conda).

    And it has Windows support, of course. It can also be used to build your own distribution (e.g. here is one for a bunch of Rust utilities:

  • hamandcheese 5 hours ago

    > Ericsson is doing a great job bringing nix into Windows

    Is this Ericsson... the corporation? Windows support for nix is something I don't hear much about, but if there is progress being made (even slowly) I'd love to know more.

zombiezen 6 hours ago

The Lua VSCode extension adds a type system that works really well IME

  • 0cf8612b2e1e 6 hours ago

    There are Lua flavors with typing. Teal is one I have heard that compiles down to regular Lua like a typescript