Comment by mystified5016

Comment by mystified5016 8 hours ago

1 reply


commandToGenerateFile > file.json #or wget some.server.tld/autogen.json file.json git add file.json git commit -m "Automatic upload <date>" git push

You can do this in any number of ways. Powershell, batch script, bash, you could even build a little GUI if you want.

If you want to get fancier, throw the script on a server and give users an SSH script they can double-click, or hook it up to some intranet web interface.

This isn't a particularly complex problem, and git was designed to handle use cases just like this.

Of course you could absolutely overcomplicate and burn dozens of engineer hours building some kubernetes cluster or AWS swarm, but you can do this with a script so simple that I wrote it on my phone.

sirspacey 8 hours ago

yeah running a bash script is one option

the k8 approach is tempting though haha