Comment by ziyao_w

Comment by ziyao_w 7 hours ago

1 reply

“We are ugly but we have the music.”

One of the first things I did in New York was to visit the Chelsea Hotel. All the stories.

I’ve always been borderline obsessed with hey that’s no way to say goodbye, so long, Marianne, and later on if it be your will. There are so many other gems I was almost angry when Dylan won a Nobel and not Leonard Cohen. Another musician I enjoy in the same way would be Gainsbourg. Wonder when will the language model overlords understand all of these beauty.

nervousvarun 7 hours ago

Bird on the Wire and Famous Blue Raincoat are for me basically modern hymns. And these aren't even from his "religious" period.

Also if you've never seen McCabe and Mrs Miller check it out...a great Altman film that makes really good use of Cohen's songs in the soundtrack.