Comment by aftbit

Comment by aftbit 7 hours ago

1 reply

The only "real" thing I did with it was use it as an IR blaster and debug tool to remote control my window fan. Once I figured out the IR protocol, I replaced it with a $10 gizmo from Aliexpress that has an ESP32 hooked up to an IR LED.

Otherwise, it's kinda fun for scanning credit cards, pet microchips, maybe the occasional NFC or RFID tag. It can clone most hotel keycards, at least to the level required to open your door, although the parking gates tend to use better security.

It can also emulate an AirTag, at least on the bluetooth beacon side, which is kinda funny.

But yes, mine mostly lives in a drawer.

A4ET8a8uTh0 5 hours ago

Ok, I am intruiged ( and I think wife has an airtag ). Did it work as expected:D?