Comment by ActorNightly
Comment by ActorNightly 2 months ago
What they don't teach you in school is that kind of ingenuity is actually the way to get ahead in life.
Comment by ActorNightly 2 months ago
What they don't teach you in school is that kind of ingenuity is actually the way to get ahead in life.
It's difficult to teach ingenuity for a variety of reasons.
To give you an idea of what I mean: I used to maintain the content filter for a school. Students being students, they found all sorts of ways to get around it. I never took much issue with the students who found ways around it. They were exploring and learning. The issue was with the other students. The ones who just followed someone's instructions, never exploring and never learning.
I would imagine that calculators are much the same. Programming them to answer questions is a great way to reinforce concepts. Copying the program off of someone else and finding ways to hide thee program is just plain cheating (of the system and themselves).