Comment by lumost

Comment by lumost 7 hours ago

1 reply

Out of curiousity, what do you dislike about spreadsheets/google docs? This has been my primary means of tracking progress historically. I've tended to find that all other mechanisms just add unecessary overhead.

quesera 5 hours ago

Not the person to whom you're responding, but:

Collaborative/online spreadsheets can work. Carefully designed, with appropriate field constraints and filters and sort templates... especially for smaller lists or smaller groups, they can be OK.

A few areas where they break down though:

  - No attachments to stories (test cases, screenshots, etc)
  - No comments/history view or threaded discussions
  - Poor usability of notifications on @mention
  - Inflexible UI/data formatting (cells instead of layout)
I'll often start a project using a spreadsheet, because one big advantage is that you can edit several "stories" at once. So it's a good rough draft. Inevitably, the missing features become more important and I move the data over to a more appropriate tool.

Sometimes I keep the spreadsheet for internal stakeholder issue reporting. It's a business-familiar tool for gathering input, which then gets synced to the more purpose-built tool for action.