Comment by TinyRick

Comment by TinyRick 7 hours ago

6 replies

Why would you resign? You could have reported it yourself and then you would have whistleblower protections - if the company retaliated against you (e.g. fired you), you then would have had a strong lawsuit.

arminiusreturns 7 hours ago

Because I don't want to be associated with companies that break the law and violate regulations knowingly. I've long had a reputation of integrity, and it's one of the few things I have left having almost nothing else.

  • TinyRick 7 hours ago

    So you would rather be known as someone who had an opportunity to report a violation, and chose not to? From my perspective it seem like you decided against acting with integrity in this situation - the moral thing would have been to report the violation, but you chose to look the other way and resign.

    • 1659447091 3 hours ago

      > it seem like you decided against acting with integrity in this situation ... you chose to look the other way and resign.

      I agree with this statement.

      This isn't a judgement, we all have to make choices; the "right" choice (the one that aligns with integrity) is usually the one that will be the least self-serving and even temporarily harmful. They did what was right for them, that's okay, but it was not the choice of integrity.

      • Dylan16807 5 minutes ago

        How is quitting right for them? They chose a path that's bad for the users and bad for them.

    • qup 6 hours ago

      I wonder if I was part of the database that got emailed.

      • arminiusreturns 4 hours ago

        Very unlikely, this is a very small operation with a tiny customer base.