Comment by yashap

Comment by yashap 6 hours ago

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> I have not found an answer for testing React components that seems like a good use of resources > … > I'd really love to have a system that would give me a heads up that some CSS I changed has a spooky effect on a distance on part of the UI because of the complexity of selectors but that's asking a lot

I would’ve agreed until recently. I always found basically all other forms of testing valuable (unit tests of almost everything on the BE, unit tests of FE business logic, BE integration tests, E2E tests), but not testing of the visual elements of the FE.

But the company I work at, ~6 months ago we gave this product a try, and honestly it’s pretty incredible:

They basically record sessions of real usage in our staging environment, and then replay them against your branch, like taking all the same interactions, and mocking responses to all network calls. It records tonnes of these sessions and is very smart about which ones it uses for a given change. It flags any visual differences, and you can OK them (or not). There’s a bit of work to initially integrate, but then you don’t write any tests, and you get pretty amazing coverage. It has the odd false positives, but not many, and they’re easy to review/approve in their web UI. They’re also a small startup willing to work super closely with you (we share a Slack chat with them, they’re very open to feedback and iterating quickly on it).

I swear I’m not a paid shill or affiliated with them in any way, just a user who really loves the product. I was skeptical it’d work well at first, but it’s honestly been great, has caught many potential regressions, I feel we’re getting much better coverage than we would with handwritten UI tests. It’s very worth a look IMO if you’re not satisfied with your visual tests. It’s not an E2E testing tool, because the network requests are recorded/replayed (so it can’t stop BE changes that break the FE), but it’s amazing for testing so many elements of the FE.