Comment by Havoc

Comment by Havoc 9 hours ago

1 reply

>GAAP and IFRS compliant implementation of a forward-only double-entry accounting method

You may want to replace well most of your lead image. It sounds like gibberish to accountants. It's the accounting equivalent of saying this is an IPv6 compliant x64 CPU. The words are all from the right field but they're put together in a way that makes no sense to someone familiar with it.

That said accounting software is a fuckin trainwreck on both UI and features so I understand the hn urge to jump on this. Xero basically cornered the young company market by being a web based and being not entirely fuckin terrible.

meiraleal 6 hours ago

Not knowing what they are doing is the basic premise of disrupting a market. It fails most of the times, but when it succeeds, big chances it was made by someone that didn't really understood the problem