Comment by BeetleB

Comment by BeetleB 7 hours ago

1 reply

Anti-disclaimer: I'm not one of those folks.

However, that's not at all a cognitive dissonance. Fundamentally, there's a difference between governments and private companies, and it is fairly basic to have different rules for them. The government cannot impinge on free speech, but almost all companies do. The government cannot restrict religion, but to some extent, companies can. Etc.

Of course, in this case, it's understandable to argue that neither side should have that much data without consent. But it's also totally understandable to allow only the private company to do so.

jlarocco 7 hours ago

There is fundamentally a difference between corporations and the government, but it's still a cognitive dissonance. These aren't the laws of physics - we chose to have different rules for the government and corporations in this case.

There are plenty of cases where the same rules apply to both the government and corporations.