Comment by russellbeattie

Comment by russellbeattie 7 hours ago

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This isn't specifically about Vapour, just about what's become the common way to specify types.

I know this is totally bike shedding, semantics, vi vs Emacs, BigEndian vs LittleEndian and it's too late now to affect anything, but to me using a colon after the variable is just wrong!

let x : int = 1

func add(x: int, y: int): int { return x + y }

I see that and it looks like int = 1 and the function's return type is totally lost.

This seems completely backwards to me. Maybe I'm just used to the way C did it, but the variable modifiers should come first.

let int x = 1

func int add(int x, int y) { return x + y }

Why we reversed it and added in the colon just doesn't make much sense to me.