Comment by ryandrake

Comment by ryandrake 7 hours ago

4 replies

If you don't think anything bad happens from personal data being accessed without one's consent, please reply to this comment and share:

1. Your full name

2. Your home address

3. Your social security number (if you're American)

4. Your mother's maiden name

If you're right, then you have nothing to worry about.

mgraczyk 7 hours ago

None of this data is included in the FTC report. They are not talking about this.

My full name is Michael Graczyk, I live in San Francisco, none of these companies know any more detail than that about the questions you asked

  • tway_GdBRwW 6 hours ago

    Michael, I disagree with your point but I recognize your integrity. You just posted your name and city, and your HN profile shares more personal information.

    I respect that you are willing to stand behind your claim. Best of success with your current venture.

  • lcnPylGDnU4H9OF 6 hours ago

    > none of these companies know any more detail than that about the questions you asked

    I suspect you mean that you haven't provided these companies with these details. What reason do you have to think they don't know those details?

    • mgraczyk 3 hours ago

      They don't know these details because they have never asked. It's not the sort of detail that would be useful for ads (except my home address)