Comment by nradov

Comment by nradov 9 hours ago

5 replies

Why? Is this a higher research priority than other medical conditions such as cancer or HIV? Are there plausible reasons to think that epic scale funding would significantly accelerate results?

kbelder 8 hours ago

I agree. We should research it at a level appropriate for the damage long covid is causing. Which is probably a lot, because it seems like a real thing that is impacting lots of people; but it's far from the most important medical problem we have.

  • wkat4242 8 hours ago

    This same phenomenon isn't unique to Covid either. Other illnesses can lead to similar debilitations. Research into this will give great insight into processes we hardly understand.

    Of course it's not the #1 healthcare priority now but who says we should only solve problem #1 and leave all the others hanging?

    I know a health worker that worked hard to save lives during the first phases of Covid and her life is now ruined due to this. I doubt she can be 'cured' but at least this may be prevented for others.

dchftcs 3 hours ago

I'd argue chronic conditions that are debilitating should have at least the same priority as cancer, assuming their prevalence in the general population is similar. Long covid is more like to affect productive age people compared to cancer, so a government would be wise to prioritize it.

stodor89 8 hours ago

I think he's being sarcastic.

  • Diti 4 hours ago

    Per Poe’s law, which most of the Hacker News community is familiar with, assume sarcasm doesn’t exist unless the commenter explicitly tells it’s sarcasm.