Comment by achempion

Comment by achempion 7 hours ago

1 reply

You can use docker swarm just for single VPS.

  - install docker 
  - run docker swarm init
  - create yaml that describes your stack (similar to docker-compose)
  - run docker stack deploy
That's basically it. My go-to solution when I need to run some service on single VPS.

If you want to just run a single container, you can also do this with `docker service create image:tag`

3np 7 hours ago

I thought docker-swarm had been considered neglected to the point of dead and without a future for a few years now. Is this impression incorrect/outdated?

EDIT: So apparently what used to be known as "Docker Swarm" has been posthumously renamed to "Swarm Classic"/"Classic Swarm" and is indeed dead, abandoned, and deprecated. The project currently known as "Docker Swarm" is a younger completely different project which appears actively maintained. "Classic" still has roughly twice the GH stars and forks compared to the new one. I can't be the only one who's dismissed the latter, assuming it to be the former. Very confusing naming and branding, they would probably have more way more users if they had not repurposed the name like this.

> Swarm Classic: a container clustering system. Not to be confused with Docker Swarm which is at