Comment by oldandboring

Comment by oldandboring 16 hours ago

1 reply

> Hezbollah is a legal and popular party in Lebanon

Hezbollah is an Iran-backed militia whose sole purpose is the destruction of Israel.

> and is at war with another country

No, they're not. They're a militia.

Here is a timeline of major Hezbollah terrorist activities. Left out, of course, is the constant barrage of missiles rained down on northern Israel by Hezbollah. I copy-pasta'd this from another source for convenience:

1983: Hezbollah sends suicide truck bomb against US embassy and murders 63 people

Also 1983: Hezbollah murders 241 American soldiers and 58 French soldiers with another suicide truck bomb

1984: Hezbollah murders 18 American soldiers with bombing in Spain

Also 1984: Hezbollah murders 11 people with another truck bomb against US embassy

1992: Hezbollah murders 29 people with suicide bombing of Israeli Embassy in Argentina

1994: Hezbollah murders 85 Jewish Argentinian civilians in another suicide truck bomb

1996: Hezbollah murders 19 American Air Force personnel with bombing of Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia

2005: Hezbollah murders 22 civilians in assassination on Lebanese PM

2011 to present: Helped Assad murder up to half a million Syrian civilians, carrying out starvation sieges and ethnic cleansing against Sunni towns and cities

cholantesh 13 hours ago

>Hezbollah is an Iran-backed militia whose sole purpose is the destruction of Israel.

This is the official position of Israel, yes, but the international community, including the US acknowledges that they are a political entity as well. You actually don't need to be on side with their positions to accept this fact.