Comment by superzamp

Comment by superzamp 8 hours ago

2 replies

Well that's definitely a good puzzle. I've tried to model it for a bit, but it indeed looks like we'd need to add something to the language to make it possible at all! Thanks for bringing this up.

fallat 8 hours ago

Same thing with income tax brackets. You need conditional logic.

  • superzamp 7 hours ago

    For this particular case, I would say that tax-brackets sort of logic can be expressed in the destination block with ordered destinations.

    For example, you could have something like this:

        send [USD/2 *] (
          source = @users:1234
          destination = {
            // first $1000 are taxed at 10%
            max [USD/2 100000] to {
              10% to @taxes
              remaining kept
            // Anything above that is, taxed at 20%
            remaining to {
              20% to @taxes
              remaining kept
    (You can test it on the playground, you'll just want to feed the "users:1234" account with an initial balance in the input section)