Comment by Supernaut

Comment by Supernaut 8 hours ago

3 replies

> synths and arrangements that might not sound all that palatable to the modern ear

Are you referring to I'm Your Man? Because I'd say that it's his single most accessible collection of songs, and that his adoption of modern instrumentation was a genius move. The backing track for "First We Take Manhattan" sounds like New Order!

xhevahir 7 hours ago

It's not modern instrumentation. It's a Technics arranger keyboard like the kind you might have heard in an airport smoking lounge. He started using them because they allowed him to build an arrangement without the help of other musicians. They've always sounded chintzy to me but they worked for him because of the cabaret nature of his songs.

  • Supernaut 7 hours ago

    His Technics is used in places, such as "Tower of Song". But "First We Take Manhattan" was recorded using a Synclavier, which at the time was as cutting-edge as you could get.

    • xhevahir 6 hours ago

      Interesting. I didn't know that about the Synclavier. I still think the production in his later stuff will sound very quaint to anyone encountering it for the first time.

      He was a really dedicated user of those Technics machines. He and Wesley Willis, lol.