Comment by jachee

Comment by jachee 8 hours ago

5 replies

For me it was Rufus Wainright’s cover of Hallelujah from Shrek. I agree though, that his songwriting is often most-elevated in someone else’s hands.

fracus 8 hours ago

Jeff Buckley's cover of Hallelujah is one of if not the best cover song ever period.

  • jancsika 7 hours ago

    At least in terms of emotive distance between original and cover, I'd say Joe Cocker's version of "With a Little Help from My Friends" beats it.

    Cocker's version was so compelling they didn't even bother doing the little flat-VI coda from the original. That's the musical equivalent of going out for a coffee during Final Jeopardy because you're so far ahead.

fipar 7 hours ago

I’m pretty sure it’s John Cale singing in the movie.

A quick search tells me Wainright’s version is on the soundtrack.

I’m down with some nasty bug now and on antibiotics so I may be completely off, but I stand by it being Cale on the movie.

throw4847285 6 hours ago

I like the Wainright cover, but I think there's a direct line from there to Hallelujah becoming a Christmas song. Not that it isn't beautiful, but the song as written is also tinged with irony and without Cohen's winking mixup of the sacred and the profane, it sounds kind of schmaltzy.

Is that pretentious? Hell yeah. Cohen brings out the pretentious side of me because he was such a brilliant writer and it bums me out when his work gets mistaken for platitudes.