Comment by joseferben

Comment by joseferben 8 hours ago

1 reply

this looks amazing!

i’m building and i’m looking for the simplest way to deploy a plainweb/plainstack project.

looks like sidekick has the same spirit when it comes to simplicity.

in the plainstack docs i’ve been embracing, but reliability is an issue. and sqlite web apps (which is the core of plainstack) can’t have real zero downtime deployments, unless you count the proxy holding the pending request for 30 seconds while the fly machine is deployed.

i tried kamal but it felt like non-ruby and non-rails projects are second class citizens.

i was about to document deploying plainstack to dokku, but provisioning isn’t built-in.

my dream deployment tool would be dokku + provisioning & setup, sidekick looks very close to that.

definitely going to try this and maybe even have it in the blessed deploy path for plainstack if it works well!