Comment by tomcam
I’m not quite sure what you mean by YouTubeisms. I assume you mean the breezy, polished presentation? I thought it was a well laid out and enjoyable video. To me, it was an example of superb craftsmanship.
I am totally not criticizing or invalidating your impression of it. But the way information is presented has always fascinated me. Doing it better helps everyone. Would you mind telling me what your version of it would look like?
> I’m not quite sure what you mean by YouTubeisms
The unending barrage of memes, the animations, floating emojis, the music constantly changing pace, the bright colors, "Youtube-voice", etc. etc.
Compare it with Ben Eater building a video card: (of course the level of detail is higher but just focus on the style, voice, lack of animations and memes. He cracks a joke here and there, but isn't full of Youtubeisms.) And yes, it's a different genre. And yes, some people hate the genre that youtube is filled with these days.