Comment by southernplaces7

Comment by southernplaces7 9 hours ago

4 replies

I thought that only hawking radiation could escape a black hole. Now a paper describing a vast jet of emitted plasma??

The article doesn't quite clarify this point. It mentions the jets shooting from below and above the black holes, but does this mean they're emerging from their interior or being created by the accretion of superheated material that forms in orbit around black holes?

The article simple states this, which seems wrong given the immense gravity of black holes:

>When supermassive black holes become active—in other words, when their immense forces of gravity tug on and heat up surrounding material—they are thought to either emit energy in the form of radiation or jets.

So the holes themselves emit energy jets or their accretion disks do? Sloppy damn phrasing and reporting, and all too common for science subjects.

codeulike 8 hours ago

Its not coming out of the black hole itself, its more like the black hole has an accretion disk around it of material that is being sucked in. The dynamics of the huge forces and energies involved can cause jets to form, throwing high energy particles away from the black hole. The jets still represent a tiny fraction of the matter, most of which is still heading into the hole.

  • njarboe 7 hours ago

    And crazy strong and twisted magnetic fields that will heat things up/create large forces on charged particles.

[removed] 8 hours ago