Comment by mrtksn

Comment by mrtksn 8 hours ago

2 replies

When I was backpacking in Germany some many years ago I stumbled upon a concert of him and tried to convince some peers to watch it, IIRC the venue was suitable to hang around and listen to without a ticket, and everybody thought that it was the uncoolest thing ever. I still disagree, Leonard Cohen is amazing. Much cooler than most rocks stars. I would be happy if his song become a thing again.

lagrange77 8 hours ago

My mom dragged me to one of his last concerts and i had similar expectations as your peers. Since then he has been my role model in terms of coolness.

wdr1 4 hours ago

I saw him perform twice in Los Angeles. Despite being over 70, he performed over 3 hours. It was outstanding. Outside of seeing U2 at the Sphere, it was the best live events I've ever attended.