Comment by kart23

Comment by kart23 8 hours ago

2 replies

> If you like having this option available, then you should like this FTC report and the position they are taking.

I can like other positions and actions the FTC has done, like requiring the ability to turn off targeted ads, and not like others, like this one. This is among the biggest problems in politics right now. Supporting a political party doesn't mean you need to 100% back all their opinions and policies, thats how change is effected in successful democratic systems.

stiffenoxygen 8 hours ago

> I can like other positions and actions the FTC has done, like requiring the ability to turn off targeted ads, and not like others, like this one

They weren't saying that was the case I think you're misunderstanding them here. But they are 100% correct, you are benefiting from other people fighting against this mass surveillance and yet speaking against it. I think you should do some research on why privacy is important and challenge yourself and your potentially entrenched beliefs.

  • kart23 5 hours ago

    Read my first comment. I definitely agree privacy is important. All I'm saying is that this is not one of the harms we should be worrying about when saying targeted advertising is a problem, and I don't understand why this is an important issue that we should care about when targeted advertising can be turned off:

    "Profound Threats to Users Can Occur When Targeting Occurs Based on Sensitive Categories"