Comment by quantadev

Comment by quantadev 9 hours ago

2 replies

I always thought these creatures of microscopic silica formed hard glass-like structures as part of the fossilization over millions of years, but nope, I was shocked to find out those glass structures are their cell walls WHILE they're alive.

They look like they'd form their shape like a snowflake does, but it's their DNA controlling the shape.

JKCalhoun 3 hours ago

Why can't we model the math/code that generates their forms? I would love to have a random-diatom creating app. Better still to take it to the next level and generate an .stl file I could 3D print.

  • quantadev 38 minutes ago

    You could create a company called Diatomics and sell them (the 3D prints). Would make great wall decorations. Would be cool to try to use AI to try to write a program to generate the 3D datasets. OpenAI-01 is so smart I bet it could create some diatom-modeling 3D code.