Comment by 0cf8612b2e1e

Comment by 0cf8612b2e1e 11 hours ago

3 replies

There was a Radiolab story fight about dolls vs toys

Little blurb

  …who noticed something interesting while looking at a book of tariff classifications. "Dolls," which represent human beings, are taxed at almost twice the rate of "toys," which represent something not human - such as robots, monsters, or demons. As soon as they read that, Sherry and Indie saw dollar signs. it just so happened that one of their clients, Marvel Comics, was importing its action figures as dolls.
  So Sherry and Indie went down to the customs office with a bag of XMEN action figures to convince the US government that these mutants are NOT human.
throwup238 10 hours ago

As if Marvel canon wasn't confusing enough already, now customs is involved? Sheesh.

Are we going to get a Troy Miller origin story? Bit by an improperly declared radioactive package, he dedicated his life to defending our borders from the Guild of Calamitous Import.

AStonesThrow 10 hours ago

Life Contradicts Art?

  • 0cf8612b2e1e 10 hours ago

    That was mentioned in the show. X-men is all about wanting to be accepted as equal human beings and now the creators are going to classify them as non human to save a buck.