Comment by iforgotpassword

Comment by iforgotpassword 9 hours ago

5 replies

I use one. I run a bot on IRC that extracts the <title> of every link posted (or downloads the image/whatever and extracts Metadata) and announces that to the channel. It has become more and more pointless to run this on a vps. Google/YouTube block the IP range, a lot of websites return the cloudflare security check, Amazon works on some days and doesn't on others... Ever since I proxy via residential proxies it just works. I'm a smooth criminal. :>

morkalork 8 hours ago

So much for the open internet.

  • nolist_policy 5 hours ago

    You can thank the spammers.

    • Nextgrid 3 hours ago

      I’m not sure how much of this is due to spammers and how much is due to “growth & engagement” that wants to make sure a human’s time is being wasted.

    • wruza 3 hours ago

      To stop spammers, you implement measures before posting, not before viewing. Spam is just a minor technical nuisance. It's automated interaction that really makes their executives sweat and shiver.

derekzhouzhen 5 hours ago

I feel your pain, but I refuse to cave. Say, 10% of the links fail to load, so what? It is their loss, not mine.