miyuru 16 hours ago

for me, its not really trouble. MY ISP has IPv6 and I have trouble using it.

Also I have lot of small VPS and the cost of the IPv4 address is the highest cost of the price of VPS. removing it reduces the cost by a lot.

  • mort96 16 hours ago

    How cheap VPSes are you getting? I've always just used v4 on my $5/month VPSes, never felt the need to think about v6 on them because v4 just works

nobody9999 15 hours ago

>Why make so much trouble for yourself?

I'm not sure what you mean by that. I'm not GP, but I actually have to do more work to disable IPv6 on my systems than to use a dual stack.

As such, please explain what you mean by making "so much trouble for yourself."

  • mort96 14 hours ago

    I'm referring to running in a weird v6-only configuration and fighting with software which expects a normal configuration with v4.

    • nobody9999 14 hours ago

      >I'm referring to running in a weird v6-only configuration and fighting with software which expects a normal configuration with v4.

      To which software are you referring? I'm not familiar with such code.

      • mort96 14 hours ago

        The software which Habgdnv was referring to? Seq being their most recent problematic encounter, but there's apparently more. I don't know the details, you'd have to ask them.