Comment by zerkten

Comment by zerkten 10 hours ago

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This is a much better suggestion than most here given all of the detail shared by OP. The material is specifically directed at them. I'd suggest getting the videos too.

FWIW I have a CS degree and got the material to review because I have had to answer questions similar to OP's. It's only after strong familiarity with Conery's book that I'd recommend moving to items listed on Teach Yourself Computer Science. Why? You are trying to compress years of learning while dealing with some struggles that don't have affordances in the other material. Learning is hard work and while the Imposter's Handbook will get you started, you need to dig in much deeper in a targeted fashion.

Going deeper in relational databases is one of the things with the biggest payoffs (see Conery's other book.) It is rewarding for the self-learner to go after advanced mathematics or other CS topics, but this is a harder path with less immediate career value.