Comment by AnthonyMouse

Comment by AnthonyMouse 13 hours ago

5 replies

> The only 100% safe method is to not do the illegal activity at all.

Nope. Not even that is 100% safe because you can be falsely convicted of a crime you never even committed. Many privacy tools reduce that risk as well, because you're less likely to be convicted by e.g. a lazy prosecutor willing to take things out of context if you provide them with less source material to trawl through.

pbhjpbhj 13 hours ago

On the other hand "he was using the dark-web Tor browser beloved of criminals and widely used amongst drug sellers" is probably pretty convincing to jurors.

  • AnthonyMouse 12 hours ago

    What jury? Only 2% of criminal cases go to trial. The goal is to give them nothing they can use to bring you up on (false) charges. Using Tor isn't a chargeable offense in free countries.

    • jboy55 11 hours ago

      I think the point was that you aren't being "charged" with using Tor, you are being charged with buying drugs online. You have Tor installed and unfortunately a very small percentage of people have Tor installed. That might be enough to convince a jury, or be enough pressure for you to plead down to a lower crime to reduce that risk.

PurestGuava 12 hours ago

> Nope. Not even that is 100% safe because you can be falsely convicted of a crime you never even committed.

That's so exceptionally unlikely as to be something you can discount as a possibility, providing you don't actually commit crimes.

  • [removed] 11 hours ago