Comment by lxgr

Comment by lxgr 12 hours ago

3 replies

> meaning to squeeze every byte (and this was real) you had to reduce the number of classes in the jar

I suppose Google did something right with Dalvik (other than improving their "It's not Java!" stance for copyright reasons), i.e. introduce a bytecode file format that can share constants across Java classes :)

pjmlp 10 hours ago

That was a path already trailed by JVM implementations for embedded systems, which already translated JVM bytecodes to their internal formats.

An example was IBM's Websphere Real Time JVM.

  • lxgr 10 hours ago

    Websphere sounds familiar – do you know if that was the one used for Palm OS (ARM only, I believe) by any chance?

    • pjmlp 10 hours ago

      I think not, this was for embedded stuff, soft real time.

      Same domain as Aonix, PTC, Aicas, microEJ, and such.