Comment by spacemadness

Comment by spacemadness 9 hours ago

4 replies

HN is filled with folks that wrote the code in question, or want to create similar products. And they hate to have it pointed out that these tools may cause harm so they thrash around and make excuses and point fingers. A tale as old as this site.

mrmetanoia 9 hours ago

I often have to remind myself who hosts this board and that I am hanging out on a site for successful and aspiring techno-robber-barons.

  • sabbaticaldev 9 hours ago

    > I am hanging out on a site for successful and aspiring techno-robber-barons.

    that’s how we first arrive here (all of us). Time pass tho and most around fail then we become proper people capable of reasoning

  • singleshot_ 9 hours ago

    Explaining that modern technology is user-hostile and destructive to the society is nowhere else more on-topic than Paul Graham’s ego blog. While it might be true to say the site is “for” robber barons, There are a lot more users here than the ones you described.

  • 2OEH8eoCRo0 9 hours ago

    Complete with egotistical and ironic appropriation of the word hacker.