zamalek 9 hours ago

I have almost certainly built high overhead parallelization primitives during my junior years.

bravetraveler 5 hours ago

Check out my high-overhead replacement for 'cat' in BASH

    ~ $ type cat
    cat is a function
    cat () 
        while read; do
            printf '%s\n' "$REPLY";
        done < "$@"
It probably butchers things. Why? I got bored in a meeting and someone accidentally posted 'cat' to Teams
andrepd 8 hours ago

Yeah, why are those bastards writing slow code? They should just write fast code instead

  • therein 4 hours ago

    Yeah and people should make sure not to commit bugs too. I look at all these commits with bugs and I'm like why are you committing bugs.

    • bravetraveler 3 hours ago

      Stop publishing software, you don't refine your meal constantly! Enough is enough!