Comment by roninorder

Comment by roninorder 12 hours ago

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I am just a stranger on the Internet, so I apologize in advance if my comments/questions are irrelevant.

> In a very real sense, my most impactful choices were in the beginning, but I chose poorly or lost

Specifically in relation to picking up technologies. Unless you are working on something highly specialized, I am not sure your situation calls for such desperation. Learning new languages is not hard (as you are aware, as far as I can tell), and switching to a more agile stack like e.g. React/JavaScript could unlock new opportunities, considering how in demand it is across the industry.

> We grok that there's no way to opt out of reincarnation.

Hm. That's a personal belief, right? It seems like you are convinced in it as a fact of life, and that might not be the most change encouraging strategy. Similar to fatalism in a sense.

> Which means that the wealthy and powerful often live in a fear-based reality, while the poor often live in a love-based reality.

You are romanticizing the poor. Certain societies have more family and community oriented lifestyles. Not because they are poor but because they have a cultural predisposition and a tradition. Poverty is not full of love, financial abundance is not full of fear.