Comment by wiredfool

Comment by wiredfool 11 hours ago

2 replies

See also: Chainsaws.

I used to do a decent amount with them, dropping trees and bucking them for firewood/thinning. Then started doing things like cutting chairs out of bigger logs. I caught myself onetime being really sloppy with where my hands were. All from doing it enough, and then doing something a little more complicated that I probably shouldn't have been doing.

lostlogin 9 hours ago

There is a saying about aviation and danger that I am probably mangling. The dangerous times are at 100 hours when you think you know that you’re doing, and 1000 hours when you know you know what your doing.

  • TeMPOraL 4 hours ago

    Or back to woodworking, the one saw (!) I always heard was, "When does a carpenter lose a finger? When they stop respecting the saw."