Comment by superzamp

Comment by superzamp 10 hours ago

6 replies

It's indeed relative to cents in a sense, the idea is to force you to declare the precision of the monetary amount you're expressing.

You can see various interpretation of what "USD" means in the wild, as some APIs will happily parse USD 100 as $1.00 while some others might parse USD 100 as $100.00.

So we recommend this explicit [ASSET/SCALE AMOUNT] notation, where SCALE describes the negative power of ten to multiply the AMOUNT with to obtain the decimal value in the given ASSET.

It makes subsequent interaction with external systems much easier. You can read a bit more about it here [1].


tway_GdBRwW 9 hours ago

Used to work at a payments company. Yes, you need to be *very* explicit in how you model currency amounts and precision. See also earlier post about Canadian rounding rules. Some of the "logic" is regulatory/compliance driven.

ref child post about stocks trading for 0.0001. Yes, those are real trades and (probably) fully legal etc, but I'm not sure the Fed recognizes currency amounts less than 1 US cent ($0.01), so the accounting rules and tax rules might not match expectations based on generalized floating point math.

  • euroderf 7 hours ago

    Doesn't the Fed recognise mills ? They are not extinct.

girvo 4 hours ago

Just to add to this, having also implemented a production payment system, we did the same thing. One needs to be very explicit about the scale and how it should be rounded and dealt with, and how to operate on two different scale systems. Quite a fun challenge, though I do not miss the edge cases.

Our system was a payment system for childcare management software, interfacing with banks and the government directly.

flockonus 9 hours ago

What about units that cost sub-cent? For examples, I've seen private company stocks being $0.0001

Not sure why you'd need to make a note in the internal representation, vs. leave adapters to handle conversions.

  • bbor 9 hours ago

    Not to speak for them, but I think you’ve understood the point exactly. You need to be able to support arbitrary precision, but that support needs to be intentional to avoid errors. And you have to record that decision somewhere if adapters are to correctly handle your outputs; why not in the unit name?

  • petesergeant 9 hours ago

    If I understand their docs correctly, that’s equivalent to [USD/4 1]